Daily Archive: October 13, 2023

Breast Reduction vs. Breast Lift: Which is Right for You?

Women who receive breast reduction experience one of the highest rates of satisfaction with any cosmetic treatment. This surgery addresses both excess breast tissue and sagging, resulting in perkier, firmer, and lighter breasts.

The breast reduction is not limited to women in a certain cup size; it can also help women with disproportionately large breasts. However, this procedure isn’t ideal for pregnant women or those planning on breastfeeding.

What Is a Breast Reduction?

A breast reduction is a plastic surgery procedure that removes breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to reduce their size. It also shifts their position on the chest to make them more proportional to the rest of a woman’s body. It can also alleviate pain and discomfort from overly large breasts.

The breasts will be swollen for about two weeks, and they may bruise. Numbness in the nipples and areolae might last for about six weeks. Taking prescription and over-the-counter pain medication will help manage the discomfort. After the first week, patients can resume daily activities, but should avoid bending, straining and lifting. It’s important to follow your cosmetic surgeon’s instructions, because doing too much can increase swelling and damage the incision site.

Cosmetic surgery is a personal choice, and it’s best to be honest during your consultation. Tell the cosmetic surgeon about your family history of health issues, and discuss any concerns you might have about the procedure.

A breast reduction can be done as a same-day operation under general anesthesia. The cosmetic surgeon will mark the proper position for your nipple, remove extra tissue and lift the remaining tissues. The breasts will be positioned in the new position and the incisions will be closed. A breast reduction can be combined with a mastopexy, which will change the shape of the nipple and areola.

Who Is a Candidate for a Breast Reduction?

Excessively large breasts can be an overwhelming physical burden for many women. This condition can lead to musculoskeletal strain and pain, skin irritation, limitations on physical activities and self-consciousness. While temporary relief is sometimes possible through medications, physical therapy or ergonomic modifications, these methods are typically only effective for a limited amount of time and do not address the emotional issues that accompany overly large breasts. Breast reduction surgery (also known as a reduction mammaplasty) can address all of these concerns, making oversized breasts more manageable and proportionate to an individual’s body shape.

The best candidates for a breast reduction and abdominoplasty Melbourne are generally healthy and emotionally stable individuals who do not smoke and have a good understanding of the benefits, risks and recovery process. During your initial consultation, it is important to be open and honest with your plastic surgeon about your medical history, what symptoms you’re experiencing and why you want to undergo surgery.

Women who have children may wish to delay a breast reduction until after they’re finished breastfeeding. This is because the procedure can alter breast anatomy and cause nipple skin laxity, which could interfere with breastfeeding in the future. However, the breast reduction techniques our surgeons use preserve the nipple structure and do not affect the ability to nurse. For this reason, we don’t recommend women have a breast reduction before they plan to have more children or lose weight.


What Is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift, medically known as mastopexy, is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to reduce the appearance of sagging or droopy breasts and give them a firmer, perkier and younger look. The procedure involves removing excess skin and reshaping breast tissue to raise the nipples into a higher position. The surgeon can also reduce the size of the areolas, if necessary.

A woman who is a candidate for a breast lift might have significant sagging of the breasts due to age, genetics, pregnancy or breast feeding. They may also be unhappy with the shape of their nipples, which tend to lose their fullness after pregnancy and breastfeeding. The best candidates for a breast lift are in good health and have realistic expectations for the results of their surgery. A breast lift will not stop the aging process or completely reverse sagging, but it can dramatically improve the appearance of your bust and help you feel more confident in clothing and bras.

During a breast lift, plastic surgeons use small incisions around the areola and under the breast to access the breast tissue. These scars are typically well hidden, and they fade to thin white lines with time. During the recovery period, patients should rest and take pain medication as needed while avoiding strenuous activities that could damage healing tissues. They should sleep on their back to avoid pressure on the breasts and nipples, and they should wear a supportive bra.

Which Procedure is Right for Me?

Women who are dissatisfied with the size or shape of their breasts often seek ways to enhance their appearance and comfort. These changes may be caused by pregnancy and breastfeeding, weight fluctuations or natural aging. Regardless of the cause, many women feel that cosmetic surgery is an option worth exploring.

When choosing which procedure is right for you, it’s important to have a thorough consultation with Melbourne plastic surgeon. In order to determine your candidacy, the surgeon will assess your unique anatomy and goals. For example, if you have excess breast tissue that is causing sagging or drooping, a breast lift, medically known as mastopexy, might be an ideal solution.

On the other hand, if your breasts are too large and cause problems such as chest wall pain, back pain, headaches or nipple rashes, you’ll likely benefit from having a reduction, also called reduction mammoplasty. This surgical procedure removes both milk glands and fat to reduce the size of your breasts.

A breast reduction or lift is not mutually exclusive; in fact, most patients choose to undergo a combination of both procedures. This is because a breast reduction inherently involves a breast lift, as the surgeon trims away unnecessary tissue to reshape and raise the breasts. However, if you’re only looking for a smaller cup size, a lift alone will achieve your desired results.