Monthly Archive: June 2021

Nicotine Addiction Explained in an Easy to Understand Manner

nicotine addiction

Addiction to nicotine is explained by the theory of hyper-responsivity PPR, as the result of continuous smoking causes the nerve receptors in the brain to become less sensitive to other neurotransmitters and causes dopamine to increase in the brain. As nicotine increases in levels into the nucleus accumbens, this produces a feeling of happiness, ultimately motivating you to smoke more cigarettes. Nicotine is a strong reinforcer because of the rewarding effects of the reward system on the brain – Once it enters into the nucleus encoding, make more smoking attempts the more dopamine is released into the brain.

Although there is no clear evidence that there is anything genetically linked in relation to nicotine addiction, we do know that smoking does tend to be a learned behavior. This means that children who learn from a young age the pleasure of smoking can pick this up and begin to partake in this habit themselves. Also, it has been noticed that nicotine addiction becomes much more entrenched in teenagers than in children. It is therefore more likely that the addictive qualities of the drug are transmitted through the learning theory alone.

The learning theory is described in two main ways. Firstly there is the physical addiction explained above where your body craves more nicotine and sends signals telling your brain that you have sufficient supply. You may begin to experience withdrawal symptoms in case you cannot get nicotine into your system or if you use tobacco in quantities that you are unable to handle. In the same way, emotional factors such as stress, frustration or anxiety also can contribute to a person’s inability to quit smoking.

On the other hand, the learning theory can also be explained using the example of the internet. People become addicted to sites like Facebook or MySpace for a variety of reasons. For example, if you are a Facebook user then chances are that you spend a lot of time on these sites. As a result, whenever you log off your computer these sites do not take you away from the world but they actually keep you connected to them through the chemicals that make your brain feel “high.”

This explains why so many people find it so difficult to give up smoking. They are addicted to the thrill associated with smoking and the fact that they cannot seem to stop does not seem to make the problem any less significant. If you are suffering from nicotine addiction explained then the first thing that you need to do is to look for a solid program that can help you overcome your problem.

One such program is “Quit Smoking Now.” This is a powerful smoking cessation technique developed by the world famous ex-smoker, Robert Atkins. It uses the 12-step program to help you kick the habit permanently. There is also an audio version of this program available to download straight to your computer. Robert Atkins also offers other related products including a book about hypnotherapy and an online community full of people who have tried and succeeded in giving up smoking. He is also one of the most frequently asked questions about quitting smoking.

The “Quit Smoking Now” program is broken down into four steps, which are designed to lay the groundwork for your successful breaking of the smoking habit. The first two steps deal with the physical withdrawal symptoms you are likely to experience when you quit. These include muscle aches and a general sense of tiredness. The next two steps deal with the psychological aspects of nicotine addiction and the last two deals with the emotional aspect.

Once you complete the “Quit Smoking Now” program, there will be no physical withdrawal symptoms to bother you. The program teaches you how to deal with the psychological aspects as well and why it is that cravings for cigarettes will be far more powerful in the first months after quitting than they were when you were smoking. The final step in this program also helps you to create a new routine for yourself outside of your smoking days. This helps to ensure that you do not miss any smoking related activities.